Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today's PPF Reading


God is telling me through this card that I was tired of arguing and more open to change. I realized that I was no longer the contented victor as the man with a smirk holding all the swords seems to be. My smirk has turned upside down into a frown. There is no winning in argument.


God is telling me through this card that I need to prioritize and remember what truly matters to me. I need to stop,evaluate my passions, and plan a path towards accomplishing my true goals.
If I am going to grow I need to step out of my comfort zone and broaden my world. I need to organize and let go of fear.


God is telling me I am a mature, loving, emotional person but if I don't stay on guard I will let my emotions control me again. I will began to value other peoples opinions of me more than my own and fall back into illusion.

 Its an upside down kinda day. I was,am,and will go backward rather than forward if I don't reflect.

 I had intended this to be a general reading but I see that it also is in regards to a specific issue in my life right now and I am thankful for the advice.

Praise the Unknown Father of All!

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